Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Final days: I keep way too much stuff

This isn't a new lesson or self-revelation, but I'm reminded of how much stuff I keep that should be thrown away.

My office is filled with all kinds of stuff, most especially old files from my youth ministry years and my exec pastor years. I've tried to keep the files to a minimum, but I've failed. So, I still have folders with planning information for events we tried once that failed, and events we did every year -- but with signup sheets that are completely irrelevant and unnecessary.

Unfortunately, this is not a new or limited experience for me. I like to collect stuff. Over the years, I've had collections of baseball cards, coins, postcards, Hard Rock Cafe hurricane glasses and shot glasses and guitar pins, books, DVDs, wooden toy cars...

Yea. Issues.


Steve said...

Oh, yes, this brings back memories -- moving out of a faculty office after 20 years is even worse! Five years later I still have a few things that I'm being "urged" to dispose of. I'll get there eventually, as I cannot imagine that you or Rick will want to deal with them in an estate ;^} ...

Rob Cunningham said...

yes, well, at least we all know i come by this trait through my genes on both sides of the family :)