Friday, August 04, 2006

Deepish Thoughts. Friday Style.

One of my roommates has a pet hamster. The rodent escaped from its cage-condo last night and made its way into my room. (I refer to the rodent as "it" because I've never asked and never looked.) I didn't notice its presence until it had been in there awhile and was safely protected by all the storage boxes under my bed. Eventually, we captured the creature. But I was starting to wish we also had a cat...

I was clearing out some out text msgs today, and came across one to my good friend, Bill Rath, who loves the Doug Fields Podcast and will be happy to know that I've finally used the names "Bill Rath" and "Doug Fields" in the same sentence. I sent Billy Boy a text last week in which I asked, "Did u do anything fun for ur bathroom?" I meant to ask if he had done anything fun for his birthday. I wonder where I was when I typed the msg...

Our youth group is holding a Star Wars movie marathon later this month. All six movies. All night long. I wish we could skip Episode I, but we have to be true to the entire Lucas genius (such as it is). Yesterday, I came across a sweet movie from The Skit Guys that stars Leia, Chewie and Han Solo. It's a riot. I highly recommend you download it. Unless you have dial-up. It will take you forever...

And speaking of Lucas, do you know the only city name mentioned in his classic movie "American Graffiti"? If you know where Lucas was born, that will put you on the right track. His hometown isn't the right answer, but the right answer isn't far, far away...

My students gave me an early birthday present on Wednesday night, which is really cool since my birthday isn't until October. (Just kidding, it's this month; you're welcome to send cash, iTunes cards or Amazon gift certificates.) Among the unique items:
  • a "Sportcap Buddy" for washing my dirty, disgusting baseball cap
  • a writing pen that also includes a red laser and a blue light
  • a box of instant popcorn, a bag of pretzels and a box of Slim Jims (all inside jokes)
  • and a Dr. Pepper T-shirt
That was all pretty cool, in my book. But I'm still tryin' to figure out where they stashed the cash...

1 comment:

Mike Lovato said...

Only city named in American Graffiti - Turlock. I lived in Modesto during jr. and high school though so I have a slightly unfair advantage there.