Thursday, June 07, 2007

Me and my DVDs.

I own a couple of DVDs. Well, maybe more than a couple. I was stoked yesterday when I found out that the 8th season of 'Seinfeld' was finally being released on DVD. It got me thinking about all the different TV shows I own on DVD. Let's review.

The X-Files (9 seasons)
24 (Seasons 1-5; Season 6 not yet released)
Monty Python's Flying Circus (45 episodes)
The Lone Gunmen (13 episodes)
Fawlty Towers (12 episodes)

Seinfeld (Seasons 1-6; 7 & 8 on their way from
The West Wing (Seasons 1-4)
The Simpsons (Seasons 1-3)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Seasons 3 and 4)
Lost (Season 1)

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